- Pre Requisite:Android programming is based on Java programming language so basic understanding on Java programming would be helpful in learning Android application development.
- Introduction to Android: Introduction to Android Platform, Android Stack, Android Versions and, Installing Android SDK and updating SDK components, Eclipse, IDEs and ADT plug-in, Using the Emulator, Android vs. Other mobile platforms
- First Android Application: Application Life Cycle, Application Components, Activity life cycle, Manifest File, Layout XML Code, Strings, The R File, Java Source Code, Java based layout vs. xml based layout, Eclipse Visual Layout Editor, Logging
- UI Design for Android: Using different layouts – LinearLayout, TableLayout etc.Drawable Resources, Resolution and density independence, Working with common widgets, Working with List View and Adapters, Creating and using option menu, Working with preferences, Working with Dialogs and Toasts, Working with Graphics and Animation
- Introducing Intents: Intents, Intent filters, Invoking activities by class name and URI, Sharing data using Extras Bundle and URI parameters, Working with Tabs and Fragments
- Files and Database: Using File System, Introducing SQLite on Android, Database, Connectivity, Cursors and content values, Using Content Provider to share data Understanding Security model
- Working in background: Introducing Service and its life cycle, Creating and starting a service, Types of services, Working with multi-threading and AsyncTask, Broadcast receivers, Triggering receivers with intents, Responding to system events using Broadcast receivers, Using Alarm.
- Using System Services and Web Services: Using Location based Services, Telephony and SMS services, Bluetooth, Network and WiFi, Multimedia and Camera, Accessing Internet and Web Services from Android Applications
- Project: Understanding the requirement, Designing the interface and architecture, Best practices regarding application design and development, Writing code and testing it, preparing application for Publishing, Publishing to Android Market and Physical device
Job Seekers, Science Students and Teachers, Diploma Student, Software Engineer.
Software Engineer, Computer lab Instructor, Software Developer, Mobile APP Developer, Application Developer, Web Programmer.
100% Job Placement Assistance, Industry Interaction, Job Fairs, Career Seminars, Creative Workshops.
Course Features
- Lectures 9
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 180 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Self